Comparative Proximate Composition and Cyanide Content of Peeled and Unpeeled Cassava Roots Processed into Garri by Traditional Methods

Author Details

Chiedozie O. Ibegbulem and Paul C. Chikezie

Journal Details


Published: 5 April 2018 | Article Type :


Investigations on the consequential effects of the presence of cassava peelings and palm oil on the proximate composition and cyanide content during the stages of processing cassava roots into gelatinized garri meal were carried out. The peeled and unpeeled cassava roots were processed into garri and preparation of gelatinized garri meals were according to standard traditional methods. The cassava roots and garri samples were stored at ambient room temperature and 30-55% relative humidity until used for analyses. Proximate composition and cyanide contents of the samples were measured using standard methods. The moisture content of the cassava roots was significantly (p< 0.05) higher than the processed garri samples. Protein and lipid contents of the samples were relatively low, whereas the ash value of unpeeled cassava roots was significantly (p < 0.05) higher than those of the peeled samples. The carbohydrate content of the unprocessed cassava roots was comparatively lower than those of the processed roots; p< 0.05. The cyanide content of garri sample produced from unpeeled cassava roots was 4.89 folds lower than that produced from peeled cassava roots (p < 0.05). Palm oil treated garri samples gave marginal low cyanide content, which was further lowered when processed into gelatinized garri meal. The presence of cassava peelings and the addition of palm oil to cassava mash during the production of garri caused critical readjustments of samples’ physicochemical properties and impacted on the food value of the cassava-based meal.

Keywords: Cassava; cyanide; garri; palm oil; proximate composition.

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How to Cite


Chiedozie O. Ibegbulem and Paul C. Chikezie. (2018-04-05). "Comparative Proximate Composition and Cyanide Content of Peeled and Unpeeled Cassava Roots Processed into Garri by Traditional Methods." *Volume 2*, 2, 1-13